Reading Revolution Galleries
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Kids Need to Read has partnered with Arizona State University to produce Reading Revolution, a unique program aimed at increasing literacy skills and reducing dropout rates among disadvantaged adolescents. Featuring class sets of books, home library books, eBooks, live presentations, multimedia games, literature circles, engaging projects, and enriched curricula linking English language arts to science, math and social studies, Reading Revolution connects middle school students to life and literacy through innovative approaches.

Love of Reading Project
Feb 12, 2013—Aug 8, 2013

Drawing Out the Dragons Presentation with
James A. Owen
May 10, 2013

Up From Slavery Presentation
with Aaronetta Edmonds
December 17, 2012

PJ Haarsma and Frank Beddor
Inspire Literacy & Imagination
November 29, 2012

Fall Kickoff at ASU
Preparatory Academy
October 24, 2012

Inspiring Positive Life Paradigms
Student Presentations
May 9, 2012

Inspiring Positive Life Paradigms
March 2, 2012

Overcoming Adversity Kickoff Presentation
February 1, 2012

Literacy and Life Student Presentation
November 10, 2011

Literacy and Life Kickoff Presentation
September 20, 2011