Reading Revolution:
Up From Slavery Presentation with Aaronetta Edmonds
December 17, 2012
Phoenix, Arizona
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Kids Need to Read introduced the eighth grade students of ASU Preparatory Academy to Aaronetta Edmonds, who shared the experiences of her grandparents during their time as slaves. Aaronetta's husband, Wes Edmonds, also contributed to the program. The presentation supported the eighth grade English language arts studies of Up From Slavery: An Autobiography, by Booker T. Washington. Class sets of the book were provided by KNTR as part of the Reading Revolution program. To close the civil rights studies, eighth grade English teacher Andrea Enger invited the Edmonds and KNTR Executive Director Denise Gary to join the students at a performance of the musical Memphis at the ASU Gammage Auditorium in Tempe, Arizona. The event was sponsored by Kaleidoscope through Arizona State University. After the performance, everyone was treated to a delicious dinner on the portico, with a cast member joining each table for the meal. The meal was followed by a question and answer session with the cast members. It was an incredible opportunity for all.
Photographs © Denise Gary
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