Comics N' Coasters
February 19, 2012
Castles N' Coasters, Arizona
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Bianca Thompson put together a great fundraiser for KNTR at Castles N' Coasters, which took place on a beautiful, sunny Arizona day! Justice League Arizona members (and a lone Mando Merc) were on hand to make kids smile. Lots of comic book prizes by some of Arizona's top artists (Mike DeBalfo, Raven Gregory, Bianca Thompson & more) were raffled for KNTR! Folks had a fantastic time singing and dancing with Paradigm Karaoke and DJ Services. Lots of artists and vendors were on hand to round out the event. Of course, we were there handing out buttons and magazines to the kids. We even gave KNTR calendars to everyone who entered the raffle, so everyone came away with something.
Photographs © Anie Miles and Brandy Hatch
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